
标题: 因疫情取消中高考,英国用算法算成绩,学生家长抗议 [打印本页]

作者: 【男颜知已O    时间: 2020-8-20 10:56
标题: 因疫情取消中高考,英国用算法算成绩,学生家长抗议

为了防控新冠疫情,英国今年并未举行 A-level 和 GCSE(分别相当于中国的高考和中考)考试,考生成绩由一套算法得出。但在已放榜的 " 高考 " 成绩中,近 40% 的学生成绩低于教师给出的预估分数。这使得许多学生与名校失之交臂,引发了考生和家长的抗议。英国政府已宣布改变成绩计算政策,以教师的评估作为最终成绩。
A-level and GCSE students in England will be given grades estimated by their teachers, rather than by an algorithm, after a government U-turn.
英国政府对考生成绩政策出现 180 度大转弯,A-level 和 GCSE(分别相当于中国的高考和中考)考生的分数将由他们的老师评估给出,而不是通过算法来计算。
It follows uproar after about 40% of A-level results were downgraded by exams regulator Ofqual, which used a formula based on schools' prior grades.
由于英国资格及考试监督办公室(Ofqual)使用了基于学校之前成绩的公式来计算考生分数,大约 40% 的考生 A-level 成绩低于教师评估,引发了轩然大波。
GCSE results in England, Wales and Northern Ireland come out on Thursday.
英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的 GCSE 成绩将于周四(8 月 20 日)公布。
Ofqual chair Roger Taylor and Education Secretary Gavin Williamson apologised for the "distress" caused.
Ofqual 的主席罗杰 · 泰勒和英国教育大臣加文 · 威廉姆森就此事给大家造成的 " 痛苦 " 表示道歉。
Teachers' estimates will be awarded to students unless the computer algorithm gave a higher grade.
Mr Williamson said the results of mock exams - which critics said can be inconsistent across different schools - will now not be a key part of the appeals process.
In a statement, he acknowledged the "extraordinarily difficult" year for students, after exams were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
他在一份声明中承认,受新冠疫情影响,A-level 和 GCSE 考试被取消,今年对学生来说 " 特别艰难 "。
He said the Department for Education had worked with Ofqual to design "the fairest possible model" but it had become clear that the process of awarding grades had resulted in "more significant inconsistencies than can be resolved through an appeals process".
他表示,英国教育部之前与 Ofqual 合作,设计出 " 尽可能公平的模式 ",但很明显,评分过程导致了 " 更严重的不一致,无法通过申诉程序解决 "。
"I am sorry for the distress this has caused young people and their parents but hope this announcement will now provide the certainty and reassurance they deserve," said Mr Williamson.
威廉姆森说:" 我对此事给年轻人和他们的父母带来的痛苦感到抱歉,但希望这一消息能给他们带来应得的确定性和安慰。"
He also revealed the temporary cap on the number of places that universities can offer to students would be lifted.
In a tweet, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the government had been "forced into a screeching U-turn after days of confusion".
工党领袖基尔 · 斯塔默爵士发推文表示,政府 " 在经历了数日的混乱后,政策被迫做出 180 度大转弯 "。
A-level students held protests across the UK in response to grades they said were unfairly awarded.
由于认为所得分数不公,英国各地的 A-level 考生举行了抗议活动。
Ofqual chair Mr Taylor apologised for the "difficulty" caused to students over its grading system.
Ofqual 的主席泰勒先生为评分制度给学生们造成的 " 困难 " 道歉。
He told the BBC: "I would like to say sorry. We have recognised the difficulty that young people have faced coping with the receipt of grades that they were unable to understand the basis on which they had been awarded."
他告诉英国广播公司:" 我想说对不起。我们认识到了年轻人在收到成绩时所面临的困境,他们无法理解自己获得成绩的依据。"
He added the regulator realised it had taken "the wrong road" and decided to "change course" after seeing the "anxiety" it had caused to young people and the added "administrative burden on teachers at a time when they need to be preparing for the new school term".
他补充说,在看到给年轻人带来了 " 焦虑 ",而且 " 在需要为新学期做准备时给教师增加了行政负担 " 之后,监管机构意识到自己走了 " 错误的道路 ",并决定 " 改变政策 "。
Alistair Jarvis, chief executive of Universities UK, said universities were being "as flexible as possible with applicants" but that the "late policy change" has created "challenges".
英国大学协会首席执行官阿利斯泰尔 · 贾维斯表示,大学正在 " 尽可能灵活地对待申请者 ",但 " 政策的后期变化 " 带来了 " 挑战 "。
He called on the government to "step up and support universities", adding that Universities UK was seeking "urgent clarification" on a number of issues.
他呼吁政府 " 加强对大学的支持 ",并补充说该协会正在寻求 " 紧急澄清 " 一些问题。
In a statement, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service ( Ucas ) said about 69% of 18-year old applicants across the UK were currently placed with their first-choice university, which it said was "higher than at the same point last year".
在一份声明中,英国大学和学院招生服务中心(Ucas)表示,目前英国约有 69% 的 18 岁申请者被他们的第一志愿大学录取。该机构称,这一比例 " 比去年同期还要高 "。
It said students who did not have places at their first or insurance choice of university did not need to make their decision immediately.
Ucas said it would be issuing new advice for students and schools, which would be sent directly to students, as soon as they were able to take a decision.
Ucas 表示,一旦管理部门有了正式决定,该机构将向学生和学校发布新的建议,这些建议将直接发给学生。
栏目主编:张武 本文作者: 中国日报双语新闻 文字编辑:刘璐 题图来源:视觉中国 图片编辑:项建英

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